Thursday 25 July 2013

TabContainer Example

            In this article I will explain what are ASP.NET AJAX TabContainer and TabPanel with Example?

TabContainer is an ASP.NET AJAX Control which creates a set of Tabs that can be used to organize page content. A TabContainer is a host for a number of TabPanel controls.

Each TabPanel defines its HeaderText or HeaderTemplate as well as a ContentTemplate that defines its content. The most recent tab should remain selected after a postback, and the Enabled state of tabs should remain after a postback as well.

TabContainer layout provides option to set TabPanels at top, topright, bottom, bottomright. TabContainer also provides option to set TabPanels at left, leftbottom, right and rightbottom by setting UseVerticalStripPlacement to true.

Tabs can be loaded all at one time or on demand. Each tab provides functionality to load tab in three different modes - always, once or none.

Tab can be accessed by keyboard. After focus is set on the tab container then you can navigate to different tabs by using the left and right arrow keys. When tabs are displayed vertically then Up and Down arrow keys can be used to navigate from tab to tab.

I have one web page that page contains lot of information about user like user profile details, job details and new user registration details because of those huge controls and data I was unable to maintain the webpage effectively.

At that time I decided to use Ajax Tabcontainer to use web page space effectively. Tab container contains set of tabs that can be used to organize the page content. Tab Container is a host for number of TabPanels. Each TabPanel defines its HeaderText or HeaderTemplate as well as a ContentTemplate that defines its content.

One more thing don't hesitate to learn the post completely after seen the length of the post because it's huge for looking but nothing is there just design only the page contains 3 TabPanels that's why code is more and it's very easy to work with TabContainer
Now we can see how we can use ajax tab container in our application First add AjaxControlToolkit reference to your application and add

<%@ Register Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" 
tagPrefix=" ajaxToolkit " %>

To your aspx page and design your page likes this

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                            <td height="500" valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff">
                                                <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                                        <td align="left">
                                                            <ajaxToolkit:TabContainer ID="tcSchoolLevelDetails" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false"
                                                                Width="80%" ActiveTabIndex="0">
                                                                <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanel" HeaderText="Class Sections">
                                                                        <asp:GridView ID="gvTabPanel" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%">
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <FooterStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" CssClass="gridbluerow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <HeaderStyle CssClass="gridbluerow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <RowStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" CssClass="gridgrayrow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanel2" HeaderText="Class Subjects">
                                                                        <asp:GridView ID="gvTabPanel2" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
                                                                            <HeaderStyle CssClass="gridbluerow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                            <RowStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" CssClass="gridgrayrow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                            <EditRowStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" CssClass="gridbluerow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                            <FooterStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" CssClass="gridbluerow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanel3" HeaderText="Class Exams">
                                                                        <asp:GridView ID="gvTabPanel3" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">  
                                                                            <HeaderStyle CssClass="gridbluerow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                            <RowStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" CssClass="gridgrayrow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                            <EditRowStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" CssClass="gridbluerow" Height="10px"/>
                                                                            <FooterStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" CssClass="gridbluerow" Height="10px"/>

TabContainer Properties
  1. ActiveTabChanged (Event) - Fired on the server side when a tab is changed after a postback
  2. OnClientActiveTabChanged - The name of a javascript function to attach to the client-side tabChanged event
  3. CssClass - A css class override used to define a custom look and feel for the tabs. See the Tabs Theming section for more details.
  4. ActiveTabIndex - The first tab to show
  5. Height - sets the height of the body of the tabs (does not include the TabPanel headers)
  6. Width - sets the width of the body of the tabs
  7. ScrollBars - Whether to display scrollbars (None, Horizontal, Vertical, Both, Auto) in the body of the TabContainer
  8. TabStripPlacement - Whether to render the tabs on top of the container or below (Top, Bottom) 

TabPanel Properties
  1. Enabled - Whether to display the Tab for the TabPanel by default. This can be changed on the client.
  2. OnClientClick - The name of a javascript function to attach to the client-side click event of the tab.
  3. HeaderText - The text to display in the Tab
  4. HeaderTemplate - A TemplateInstance.Single ITemplate to use to render the header
  5. ContentTemplate - A TemplateInstance.Single ITemplate to use to render the body

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